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3 Tips to Make Organization One Less Thing to Worry About

My name is Jess, and I am diagnosed with high-functioning anxiety disorder (HFAD). To break down why my specific diagnosis is different from generalized anxiety disorder, those who deal with HFAD on a daily basis are mentally programmed to focus heavily on details, overthink, and overanalyze. These behaviors and ways of thinking are often times thought of as a subconscious masking of our overwhelming amount of thoughts, usually centered around worrying. While learning to live with this constant anxious bug, I came to the conclusion that organization and constant reminders are my way of staying on track of everything I deal with on a daily basis as a Senior in college. Read her blog below:

I have come up with my top three best organization tips to eliminate the stress of worrying about the little things that you really don’t have the time or energy to dwell on. My roommate Katie, who has chronic neurological Lyme disease, suggested I share some of my simple, easy tips to make organization one less thing to worry about.

1. ACTUALLY USING PEN AND PAPER Yes, I know we live in the technological age. But actually writing everything you need to do on in a planner or agenda is more likely to make you remember something important than typing it in an app on your phone.

According to a recent study published in the Psychological Science publication, using pen and paper, not laptops, to take notes or write reminders, boosts memory and the ability to retain and understand concepts. 2. "THE DROP OFF" When you finally get home after a long day, having a drop-off spot for all of your important items such as your car keys, wallet, anything of that sort, helps you not have to deal with that annoying moment of leaving the house and not knowing where those important items are.

3. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FOLDERS! Yes, folders! Both on your little desktop, or actual folders that you used to use back in middle school. Folders are an awesome organizational tool to make sure everything that should be in the same section or area, is exactly where it should be. If you look at your desktop and see a thousand floating documents all over, this may be more of a hassle than you realize. Take the time to organize all of them into specific folders, and you’ll always know where to find any important document.

As simple as these tips may seem if you make a habit of using all of them all together, every day, and effectively, you may just find organizing your life to be a little bit easier.

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